Category: Interoperability

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Enabling Systemic Health Connections – The Provider and Health Plan Perspective

Claire Levesque Chief Medical Officer for Commercial Products at

Enabling Systemic Health Connections – The Provider and Health Plan Perspective

Expanding Care with Precision Medicine

Jessica Gibson CEO and Co-Founder at
Ariel Precision Medicine

Expanding Care with Precision Medicine

Enabling Application Interoperability to Scale Population Health

Seth Martin Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) at
Johns Hopkins Hospital

Enabling Application Interoperability to Scale Population Health

A New Era of Healthcare Communication

Justin Sims President at

A New Era of Healthcare Communication

Interoperability, APIs and Connectivity in Healthcare

Geof Auchinleck CEO at
Claris Healthcare Inc.

Interoperability, APIs and Connectivity in Healthcare

Health Tech Update:  Buying and Selling Companies in Healthcare

Brett Mankey Managing Director, Head of Digital Health Investment Banking at
The Braff Group

Health Tech Update: Buying and Selling Companies in Healthcare

Leading The Interoperability Charge

Tom Giannulli CMIO at
IHMI at American Medical Association

Leading The Interoperability Charge

Simplifying Blockchain for Healthcare

Katherine Kuzmeskas CEO at
SimplyVital Health

Simplifying Blockchain for Healthcare

Exploring Health Interoperability and API’s

Keith Boone, Informatics Adept at
Audacious Inquiry, LLC

Exploring Health Interoperability and API’s