This Week on the Outcomes Rocket Network / August 29th –  September 2nd 2022

This Week on the Outcomes Rocket Network / August 29th – September 2nd, 2022

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Welcome to the weekly summary of what happened this week in the Outcomes Rocket Network! We got incredible episodes, and here’s what we got: 


  • For Marketing Mondays,  Andreea Borcea, had Bobbi Hamilton, CEO of Chi Universe and creator of the Chi Yoga Mats and game, chatting about how they brought a yoga practice to children and how her entrepreneurial path has been intertwined with marketing. Tune in to that episode here.
  • The SONSIEL Podcast, had Chuck Sacco, Drexel University’s Associate Dean for Strategy and Innovation with the Charles Close School of Entrepreneurship, over to tell us how Nursing and Entrepreneurship have been brought together through an incredible program. You’ll want to take notes on this one, so tune in here
  • On the Future of Global Informatics, an episode that came out on Wednesday, hosted by TJ Southern, she had Sheena Rogers on the show talking about all things data interoperability, but most importantly: how to use the data collected in a meaningful way. Listen here.
  • Memora Health Care Delivery Podcast is back with Manav Sevak showcasing Dr. Aaron Gerber, from Reimagine Care, a company that works tirelessly to make Oncology Care more affordable, accessible, and home-centered. Listen here.
  • LabOps Leadership Podcast, hosted by Samantha Black, interviews Jay Stella, the Senior VP at Akouos, about the importance of having people with different skills working in operations, and how cross-functionality among teams is key to achieving goals. Tune in here.
  • On our main channel, the Outcomes Rocket Podcast, Saul had the pleasure of speaking with Jordan Harmon, the Chief Innovation and Commercialization Officer & VP at the Hospital for Special Surgery, and they discuss pushing the musculoskeletal boundaries in the life sciences, devices, and care delivery at HSS and more. Listen here! 


Tune in every week to discover something new about this industry! See you next week! 

This Week on the Outcomes Rocket Network / August 29th – September 2nd 2022

ORN_Weekly 29 august.mp3: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

ORN_Weekly 29 august.mp3: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Saul Marquez:
Hey Outcomes Rocket Nation! Welcome back to the Outcomes Rocket and thank you so much for listening once again to the Outcomes Rocket Network and the new podcast we’re bringing in. You know, last week I skipped the week on the reviews, so apologies about that, but this week I’m back on the saddle, had some travel and was doing some cool stuff on the road just to improve this podcast network for all of you, so glad to be back! And let me give you a review of really the things that we covered this week because they’re super exciting. Marketing Mondays, Andrea Borcea had Bobby Hamilton. She’s the CEO of CHI Universe and creator of the key yoga mats and Game chatting about how they brought about a yoga practice to children and how their entrepreneurial path has been intertwined with marketing. Again, the purpose here on Marketing Mondays, we actually want to learn from health and wellness companies because oftentimes some of the best ideas come from ideas that aren’t in the practice of the general acute healthcare space that we’re, that we’re used to operating in. We could learn from hospitality, we could learn from, from wellness, we could learn from plumbing companies. There are pearls to be learned. And in this episode, she tells a cautionary tale on why it’s essential for innovating entrepreneurs to invest in protecting their intellectual property. Bobby shares insights on advice and business marketing from her experiences the highs, the lows, so be sure to have a pen and paper handy because there’s a ton to be learned!

Saul Marquez:
On the SONSIEL podcast, we had Chuck, Drexel University’s associate dean for Strategy and Innovation with the Charles Close School of Entrepreneurship. He was talking to us about nursing and entrepreneurship, how they’ve been brought together through an incredible program. They discuss the skills from each industry and how they have merged to help nurses take their ideas to life. If you’re a nurse with entrepreneurial dreams, if you’re a company looking to leverage the power of nursing to your entrepreneurial efforts, or if you’re a health system wanting to take the way you practice, care to the next level and innovate, you do not want to miss this episode. Check that out.

Saul Marquez:
On the future of Global Informatics, an episode that came out on Wednesday hosted by the amazing TJ Southern. She had Sheena Rogers on the show. Sheena is a health informatics and business integrations director at Creative Information Technology. She is all things data interoperability, but most importantly, how to use the data collected in a meaningful way. We are in a data game now, folks. She speaks of moving data from legacy systems to new ones and having a multifaceted team that can help you do an amazing job with all the work that you’re doing around data, tune in to listen to Sheena share here about the mentoring, supporting and highlighting of Informaticists, a fantastic episode.

Saul Marquez:
Memora Health Care Delivery Podcast. We had Manav Sevak back again, showcasing Dr. Aaron Gerber from Reimagine Care, a company that works tirelessly to make oncology care more affordable, accessible and home-centered. At-home care delivery is an area that is, is really bringing innovation to how we care for patients, how we optimize our facilities to deliver care, and it’s an area that’s improving through the years, especially for cancer diseases. Through the implementation of technology, Aaron shares how they’re reimagining care delivery with his company. And if you’re interested in care in the home, this is when you’re not going to want to miss.

Saul Marquez:
On the LabOps Leadership podcast, Sam Black had a new guest and co-host this week, by both Sam and Krisha, interview Jay Stella, the senior VP at Akouos. Jay is one of the key speakers of the LabOps Leadership Conference, an event you will not want to miss. Jay emphasizes the importance of having people with different skills working in operations and how cross-functionality among teams is key to achieving goals. You know, the LabOps podcast we really cover, Dr. Samantha Black and her co-hosts cover the importance of what’s happening in lab operations. It is a, an up and coming field that many in the pharma supply chain need to be on top of. And if you want to stay ahead of the game, the LabOps Leadership podcast is one you’re not going to want to miss.

Saul Marquez:
And finally, on our main channel, the Outcomes Rocket podcast, with yours truly as host, I had the pleasure of speaking with Chief Innovation and Commercialization Officer and VP at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York, Jordan Harmon. He is an incredible human being who, with the help of his team, are always pushing the musculoskeletal boundaries in the life sciences devices and care delivery at their facility HSS. He shares how they navigated the COVID-19 pandemic and affected medical innovation, specifically at HHS and how their team adjusted the institution’s protocols and spaces to deliver care in a time of need. And how they’ve taken that innovation through the COVID-19 perspective and scaled it beyond to help some of their patients mobility efforts in a way that’s never been seen before. He also dropped some thoughts on innovation, so be sure to tune in to my interview with Jordan Harmon.

Saul Marquez:
Big shout out to everybody that joined us this week on the Outcomes Rocket. Super thankful for all of our hosts and especially thankful for you, the listener, for tuning in to, to get the insights from many podcasters in health care. So if you have feedback for us, always open to hearing from you. Send me an email at Saul SAUL I’m really excited to hear from you, I do read my emails, so make sure you type in feedback in the subject line. I want to know what you think about our episodes, all of our hosts, guests, because we’re doing this for you. Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you next week.

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