Creating Global Impact for Physicians with Prem Reddy, Board Member at World Young Doctors’ Organization

Prem Reddy, Board Member at World Young Doctors’ Organization

Creating Global Impact for Physicians

Working as a team to improve the working conditions and policymaking in different countries

Creating Global Impact for Physicians with Prem Reddy, Board Member at World Young Doctors’ Organization

Creating Global Impact for Physicians with Prem Reddy, Board Member at World Young Doctors’ Organization

Welcome to the Outcomes Rocket podcast where we inspire collaborative thinking, improved outcomes and business success with today’s most successful and inspiring healthcare leaders and influencers. And now your host, Saul Marquez

Welcome back once again to the outcomes rocket podcast where we chat with the day’s most successful and inspiring healthcare leaders. I want to thank you for tuning in again to the outcomes racket. I invite you to go to where you could rate and review today’s podcast because he is an outstanding contributor to Health. His name is Dr. Prem Reddy. He’s a board member at world young doctors organization in South India. He’s got a history of doing some really interesting things around organizing people in health. And I wanted to have him on the podcast just so that we could have a little more of a worldly perspective what’s going on out that way. And in general get some ideas to make our health system better. So without further ado Dr. Reddy just want to welcome you to the podcast.

Thankful for having me in this podcast.

Absolutely. And so what got you into health care.

Yeah it all started when I was in high school. So my uncle got her stroke. So was that between the hospital on the eyes she was with him during that state senator as he was the importance of health care services to the people. So this ultimately led me into the health care system so differently the medical I was thinking why people are suffering. Is there any other cause. Can we prevent it. And when I was thinking about it I felt like yeah we can prevent disease and all the suffering it’s possible to prevent to get back but that prospect is completely different vision of her entry into the medical school because when we just went into medical school I started mistiming things differently because the way the people think the way the patients think from their own perspective is completely different from the people we think. So during that course of time and started understanding about what the problems people are facing and how to educate and create a bad news about various issues. In the meantime I was always introduced to the world indorse organization which is an international organization which is based in the last time it has members from 56 countries. Well I was part of that organization so I started as a normal team member there and I just go up to that board member. So during this process I started understanding of the health centers in different countries because well all doctors organization is a different organization which focuses on the problems being faced with doctors. It’s like we are for. We work on what are the problems being faced by doctors in Africa when discussing what policies would help the doctors which could prevent that brain drain or make the health care exercise more comfortable. All these things.

That’s really interesting and so you guys are focused across more than 50 countries. What’s a hot topic for the organization right now. What are you guys focused on.

Well we’re focusing on the brain drain as well as the working conditions of doctors in different countries.

So on that topic what have been some of the insights that you guys have gained.

Yeah the thing is that there are different conditions in different countries. Let’s see if you see the third world countries especially the local clinicians of doctors some very difficult issues sometimes doctors choose to grow for a continuous 40 hour shift Gore said gosh if they do to work continuously because it has to meet the needs of the people these doctors have to spend a lot of time and ultimately a lot of pressure on doctors. And if you see the wrinkles especially doctors are the people who get hostile to the Elisse. So all of them all the same these happy especially in Third World countries because lack of health care facilities and lack of the professionals. All these things make the people of the to work more time. So because of that extra stress that we are taking in making the health care we do improve the health care outcomes and all these things it’s getting a lot of stress and the doctors which ultimately leading to depression working conditions. So right. We said why do we as a team are working to improve the working conditions in different countries to policymaking and all these things so we consult with the people we have people from different countries. So we used to discuss the things that are happening in different countries what are the working conditions that was just understandable the different working conditions in different countries with all of the policy making and all these things.

That’s really interesting and it’s great to be putting your heads together with other physicians to tackle this topic of brain drain and here in the States too. We have a big focus for physicians on this physician wellness and ensuring that physicians are not stressed and healthy. And so I think it’s really great that you guys are focused on this at the world level. Can you give the listeners an example of how you’ve improved outcomes for doctors so far with some of your findings.

Yeah. Best present we are working with the previous was to open in Kenya. We have a lot of board members from Kenya to open to doctors there and the civil war that was in that room that weekend sessions the connard some doctors meetings and they came to discussions of what what policy changes should be bring and the particular aspect. So during the freedom these kinds of meetings and get togethers to which they discuss with other physicians about the conditions in the country. Provender welcome won’t be all this income different governments and team members from different countries. Hello welcome and Delcarmen communist trips. Sophie she’s she’s a person who was one of the founder. Just been welcoming to Denmark a government so many people involved with the government so it’s like disbeliever didn’t bring any change but we are on the way to being the proper changes in the policies.

Gotcha. And it’s good that you guys have have this focus and you’re starting the conversations that it takes to make change and help. And you guys sounds like you have already given a really great start at it.


And regulations on that.

Thank you.

So what would you say one of the things that you learned in the process maybe a mistake or a setback that happened and what you learned from that.

Setback in the sense you know would be what would be what would we are we as a team or in different countries. So the problem here is that Catherine the people and getting the work done you see are different Tedrow look at it in different countries and different countries have different government policies and all these things. So I want to just involve with the policy and make conditions better foods we could have a clearer idea of the country policy and all these things. I felt like this was a step back because it takes a lot of time to understand the different causes that governments are having in the particular region. And once we understand the policies thereby creating a new policy to make their conditions better it is one of the toughest thing I’ve felt so.

Yeah yeah. It’s interesting because no one country is the same. And whether it be their requirements to get a medical device or a drug approved or patient privacy laws or just working condition laws it’s different from across the board. But I imagine that with the conversation that you guys are having maybe ideas are generated that could then be applied within different countries so you don’t have to be the expert of Denmark’s laws but you could provide some really great insightful ideas to the people in Denmark just like they could you.

Yeah that’s what we’re focusing on that. Just like with. Well once they have a team discussion we just write them in such we have that yes we think we can implement. So we discuss these ideas with the people in other countries so that we should be sharing platforms to share shared things so people steerable different. So how is going to work out in our country so that we can get to a conclusion that is going to work with all of the work or not. So he tweets funny thing is kind of shocking how many countries are working now.

Very cool. What would you say prime is one of the proudest medical leadership experiences you’ve had to date.

Being the board member for WYDO is I feel it’s the protest leadership moment for me.

Yang So within that. Why. Why do you feel that way.

Because we don’t have received test positions from a single country or a single place we are addressing the problems of the doctors on the whole because we as physicians who are coming into the practice the conditions are completely different. So it’s different for every person. So everyone needs a platform to share their problems or to discuss their living conditions in different countries. So they need a platform. So why don’t providing a platform for all doctors all the world to gather here to share their views and what we think is happening the countries are trying to make some people get together here so that more people have been Walding just because we don’t want the problems there so that we could come to that conclusion. Laura Yossel tops. So once we are coming to the top. So we talk a little bit more. We’re going to execute anybody to a country so more people are brainstorming about a simple single issue. The results will be better. That’s what I think.

I totally agree with you and for the listeners that are providers that are physicians where should they go. Access this platform. What’s the site.

How is see this upside that they can simply register and they can share their ideas on what the problems are facing in a country. So look at other people who are interested in knowing about his kidneys is helping the physicians who join so that it is going to be like a platform where people can share everything and just go to work on solutions.

Awesome. So listeners visit that’s world young doctors organization w y D o dot org. And you’ll see their website with the resources and all the things that they’re providing and other things that they’re doing across the world. It’s super exciting to just know that there’s an organization like this for young doctors. And Dr. Prem is ready is doing some really great things with his team to continue to build these resources. All right. So we’re here to the point right now. Dr. Reddy where I’ve got the course we’re going to do a really quick four questions with a book that you recommend to the listeners. It’s the 101 of Dr. Prem REDDY. And so here are the four questions. What is the best way to improve healthcare outcomes.

To improve the health care community. Health education is one of them. Things to improve to Arkansas because once people know and they’re very aware of the conditions that it to prevent the condition and we can do better. And what health care outcomes will be better people are educated properly and they have their Vernons of what the medical condition is going to lead them. If people aren’t adverse they come through and everything is just refocusing on cue and all these things. But once we start focusing on educating the people and creating a proper and better support the greatest health care issues and the people that can improve the health care drastically.

What is the biggest mistake or pitfall to avoid.

The biggest mistake is not being looked into to that people are the patients or the stakeholders what part of your organization are the patients whom you are treating. So if you’re being looked into we can get a lot of important issues from the people who can understand a lot more. You can’t get a lot of question so that you can search for more answers and solve them better.

How do you stay relevant as an organization. Despite constant change.

It’s a collaboration and learning that’s what I feel because as a single person we can never do anything but because we are forced to deal with as an organization I think because there’s a lot of changes happen through collaborations we can understand the changes and convoke as an organization properly and learning is one important aspect because when there’s a change you should know more and should probably learn and only so that that the change in vogue in a proper way.

Love it. And finally what’s the one area of focus that should drive everything else in a health organization.

It’s ultimately the patient care because without patients there is no healthcare. So a prime goal should always be the patient to level army able to help the patient to get out of the suffering is most important because the patient comes with this sort of thing. So are we helping them properly or making him feel comfortable with us. So this single thing this showing the empathy to the patients almost create most big changes in the health outcomes.

Love it. Dr. Reddy what book would you recommend to the listeners.

Coming to the book. I don’t read books a lot of the best medical literature in the medical field is a guide to the future of medicine. It’s written by Mesko. He said he’s an author he’s a doctor and he is running a lab sound like a medical futurist. And that book is really amazing in that book he clearly depicts about what would be the future of medicine what technology what would be the role of technology in the medicine and how the physicians should deal with it. So once we are going to understand the technological experts are going to creep into the medicine and can have a better idea so that we can prepare ourselves for the future.

A great recommendation and listeners don’t worry about writing that down or anything. Just go to That’s Dr. Reddy. And you’re going to get a link to that book. A link to all of the show notes as well as the questions that we just walk through here. Dr. Reddy this has been a lot of fun. We’re here to the end before we conclude. I’d love if you could just share a closing thought. And then the best place where the listeners can get a hold of you.

Yeah I really thank you for this opportunity. Because that is like anyone said to the listeners is that what most of the physicians on health care organizations to focus on prevention because prevention is better than cure. So that’s a problem. One should be fair and one more thing I’d like to go to all the people is that please do work and working conditions out and doctors please support the doctors because in countries like India medical professionals also face a lot of problems. So it’s every country there’s some problem. So please help doctors to get rid of those problems.

That’s a great message. Dr. Reddy and what would you say the best place for the listeners to contact you or follow you would be.

As LinkedIn link so you can just search Prem Reddy and you can find my name.

Beautiful and listeners again. We’ll leave that link to Dr. Reddy’s profiled in the show notes at the link that we mentioned to you before so Dr. Reddy just want to say thank you once again. And now looking forward to stand and touch.

Sure. Thank you.

Thanks for listening to the outcomes rocket podcast. Be sure to visit us on the web at for the show notes, resources, inspiration and so much more.

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Recommended Book:

The Guide to the Future of Medicine: Technology AND The Human Touch

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Prem Reddy 

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