Episode 37
Neil Versel has 25 years of experience as a journalist, the last 17 covering healthcare. He is an expert in the business of healthcare, particularly in information technology, patient engagement, population health, social media and quality of care. He also has extensive experience with mobile/digital healthcare, hospital management and finance.
As a freelancer, he has contributed to US News & World Report and blogged on Forbes.com. He occasionally wrote for many other titles in the U.S., Canada and Europe, including Healthcare IT News, Health Data Management, Medscape’s Business of Medicine and E-Health Insider. Other clients included InformationWeek, Hospitals & Health Networks, MDNG, Inside Healthcare IT and Canadian Healthcare Technology.
He has been published in the Chicago Sun-Times, Red Herring and Columbia Journalism Review and have contributed to the Reporting on Health project at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication.
He has a blog on health information technology, at http://www.meaningfulHITnews.com.
He has held staff positions with Breaking Media’s MedCity News and with Modern Physician magazine. At Modern Physician, he won two Crain Communications Editorial Excellence Awards.
Prior to covering healthcare, he wrote about automobile and heavy-machinery manufacturing, transportation, commodities trading, small business and environmental policy. He was a sports editor in college.
Why healthcare? I have a background in business reporting. At that time, Modern Physician (modern healthcare) needed a finance reporter to cover physician practice management. Later on,
I took the IT bit.
Hot Topic that should healthcare leaders agenda: Interoperability in healthcare
Neil 101 Course on Outcomes Improvement:
1.What is the best way to improve healthcare outcomes?
Listen to patients and to other sources of information
2. What is the biggest mistake or pitfall to avoid?
Being close-minded and/or old fashioned
3. How do you stay relevant as an organization despite constant change?
Focus on performance and producing the best outcomes
4. One area of focus that should drive everything else is:
Safety and following set processes and protocols
Recommended Book/s:
The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age
Closing Thought:
Get patients involved. Put aside some of the historical sorts of competitive restraints and barriers that have gotten in the way of providing proper care in the past.
The Best Way To Contact Neil:
Twitter – @nversel
LinkedIn – Neil Versel
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