An Invitation to Improve Brain Health

Mark Watson, CEO at ABI Wellness

An Invitation to Improve Brain Health

In this short episode, we feature Mark Watson, CEO at ABI Wellness. This is Mark’s second visit to the podcast, and this time he came with an invitation for clinical providers who are looking to enhance the cognitive abilities of the people they serve. ABI Wellness has successfully held two virtual trainings on using technology to train new facilitators, and they are hosting another training starting on Nov 23rd. At the moment, they are prequalifying clinical providers for their service. This virtual training is for everyone who works in the brain injury rehab space, so if that’s you, please reach out.
If you haven’t listened to Mark’s episode already, it’s episode five twenty-three on the Outcomes Rocket, and he is just doing awesome stuff and evidence-based cognitive rehab programs for patients with chronic brain injury.
Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your skills in cognitive rehab! Listen to Mark’s invitation and the full interview now.

An Invitation to Improve Brain Health

About Mark Watson
Mark’s background as an educator and an athlete positions him to appreciate and explore the brain’s ability to change and recover after brain injury. His experiences with learning difficulties developed his interest in different learning profiles and helping students better understand the nature of their disabilities and their ability to overcome them. Mark has worked in education and cognitive rehabilitation since 2002. Having served as a teacher, administrator, Executive Director and CEO. With a background in human kinetics and educational leadership Mark has successfully paired his background in both of these areas into his role at ABI Wellness. Pairing his clinical experience in serving students with learning disabilities with his previous experience as the Co-founder and Executive Director of the Watson Centre for Brain Health, Mark has seen firsthand the overwhelmingly positive impact that strengthening specific neurological capacities can have on all aspects of a patient’s life. He is committed to working with patients so they can lead more fulfilled and independent lives. A frequent speaker on the topic of brain injury rehabilitation Mark has presented this work to: Public health agencies, BC Cancer Agency, The NHL Alumni Assoc., NFLPA Washington State among others. Mark also serves as a member of the integrated health advisory board at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. (bio is taken from

Mark Watson, CEO at ABI Wellness transcript powered by Sonix—easily convert your audio to text with Sonix.

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Saul Marquez:
Welcome back to the Outcomes Rocket. Saul Marquez here and I have a brief episode for you today, mainly to invite a friend, Mark Watson. He’s the CEO at ABI Wellness. If you haven’t listened to his episode already, it’s episode five twenty-three on the Outcomes Rocket, and he is just doing awesome stuff and evidence-based cognitive rehab programs for patients with chronic brain injury. His goal is to improve higher-order cognitive function with the programs that he has and the podcast we did with them. He shared how his company’s helping people with TBI and improve cognitive functions and enjoy independent lifestyles. He also talks about the genesis of ABI, where they came from, and how they’re adding value to the ecosystem. Today he’s here to offer up a resource. So Mark, just truly grateful for all the work you continue to do. And welcome back to the podcast.

Mark Watson:
Thanks, Saul. It’s good to reconnect with you and looking forward to having just a brief conversation about some of the value that we’re trying to add for those out there.

Saul Marquez:
Yeah, for sure. Now, folks, today is basically Mark coming back to say hi. And we always encourage previous guests to do the same. He’s got a training available, a virtual training available. So, Mark, why don’t you just tell us what it’s about, who it’s for and where they could learn more.

Mark Watson:
For sure. So obviously, when the pandemic hit, we were concerned about continuing to provide the level of service that we needed to our clinical kind of partners, primarily outpatient rehab clinics, not for profits and brain injuries, private clinics, you name it. And what we were able to do successfully was move our service platform to virtual care delivery. We were very proud to be able to do that and to continue to serve those in need with chronic brain injury and cognitive issues as a result. And over the summer, we successfully held two virtual trainings using the technology of our platform to train up new facilitators on the program. And the feedback so far Saul has been very, very positive and it’s been fantastic. And we are hosting another training coming up at the end of this month, starting on November 23rd. And we’re kind of in the process of pre qualifying clinical providers for this service. So just wanted to make sure I extended the hand and let people know that you may qualify for this training so you can reach out to us. And we’ll do our best to accommodate as many people as possible for this training.

Saul Marquez:
Yeah, that’s great. Now, who is the training for?

Mark Watson:
Primarily people who work in cognitive rehabilitation, specifically for people who are looking to enhance the cognitive abilities of those that they serve. So really clinical providers. So we’re talking occupational therapists, physical therapists, physiatrists, clinical counselors, kinesiologists, anybody kind of in that brain injury rehab space.

Saul Marquez:
Love it. Yeah, well, there you have it, folks. If you fall into that area of expertise, this training for you.

Mark Watson:
Reach out.

Saul Marquez:
Reach out. The place where you go find more Mark is?

Mark Watson:
You can go right to our website, to And if you just go to become a partner page, they’ll be in the notes here. You can just click right there on email, go directly to us and we’ll get back to you within twenty-four hours. And nobody’s really doing event that I’ve seen in the space doing the kind of innovative work that we are doing in rehabilitation and higher-order cognitive function. So I really encourage you to come and check it out.

Saul Marquez:
Man, that’s awesome. We appreciate the invite. And you know, the other thing to folks, if you have not listened to Mark’s first podcast, you have to go back and listen to it because you’ll learn a lot about him and his why and his personal story about why he got into this. Just an incredible person and a phenomenal friend. I think you guys will certainly get a lot out of that episode, but certainly, take them up on this training because it’s going to be a good one. And so with that, Mark, I want to thank you so much for offering that to our community and for.

Mark Watson:
Thanks a lot.

Saul Marquez:
And for being a valued guest here on the Rocket Outcomes.

Mark Watson:
Thanks a lot, Saul, And I just want to be clear. This is something to inquire about the training. It may not be for absolutely everyone, but we are looking for kind of those clinics that are looking to enhance the way that they’re delivering cognitive rehab.

Saul Marquez:
Love it. Thanks for clarifying that, Mark. So with that, I just want to thank you again.

Mark Watson:
Thank you. Have a great day, Saul.

Saul Marquez:
You too.

Saul Marquez:
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