This Week on the Outcomes Rocket Network / September 5th – 9th 2022

This Week on the Outcomes Rocket Network / September 5th – 9th 2022


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Welcome to the weekly summary of what happened this week in the Outcomes Rocket Network! We got incredible episodes, and here’s what we got: 

  • For Marketing Mondays, Andreea Borcea, talked with Thomas Johnson, an executive wellness coach, CEO, and founder of GetUpNGetFit Wellness & Fitness Coaching Concierge, and host of the How May I Serve You Podcast about health and wellness for executives, the differences between a personal trainer and a coach, and tips for a better lifestyle. Tune in to that episode here.
  • The SONSIEL Podcast, welcomed Danika Meyer, nursing professional and Product Owner at Cook Children’s Health Care System, and Joshua Littlejohn, Product Manager of Nurse Experience at IntelyCare. They discussed their journeys transitioning towards non-traditional, non-beside roles in nursing that still make an impact when delivering patient care and what their current roles consist of. Listen here


  • On the Future of Global Informatics, host TJ Southern interviews the director of the Center of Innovations in Care Delivery at Mass General Hospital and SONSIEL’s podcast host Hiyam Nadel. She talked about why nurses should think of themselves as innovators and explained how the role nurse informaticists play as the bridge between technology and innovation. Listen here.
  • LabOps Leadership Podcast, hosted by Samantha Black, invites Karen Correa, Vice President and Head of Global Clinical Operations at Takeda to discuss what it’s like to oversee global clinical operations and trials across multiple therapeutic areas. Tune in here.
  • On our main channel, the Outcomes Rocket Podcast, Saul had Mariya Filipova, CIO of CareQuest Innovation Partners, talking about supporting innovative, integrated, equitable, and accessible care solutions that bridge the gap between dental and medical care effectively since oral health impacts our general health overall. Listen here! 


Tune in every week to discover something new about this industry! See you next week! 

This Week on the Outcomes Rocket Network / September 5th – 9th 2022

Outcomes Rocket Podcast_Weekly Summary (09.05.22): Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

Outcomes Rocket Podcast_Weekly Summary (09.05.22): this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Saul Marquez:
Hey everybody! Saul Marquez with the Outcomes Rocket. Welcome back again to this week’s review of the Outcomes Rocket Network Podcast Series. Man, we have had such incredible shows, I hope you’re enjoying them. I want to remind you that you could reach out and give me feedback, let me know what you’re liking. Let me know if you want to hear something different or new. Saul, S A U L, and I read all my emails, so make sure you reach out to me and give me feedback. I want to know what you think about how we’re doing, I really appreciate you listening, and I want to welcome you back and give you some updates.

Saul Marquez:
To begin with, on Marketing Mondays, Andreea Borcea Talks with Thomas Johnson, an executive wellness coach and CEO and founder of GetUpNGetFit Wellness and Fitness Coaching Concierge and host of the How May I Serve You Podcast. They discussed subjects like the approach that they take, really, to improve wellness for business professionals, the difference between a personal trainer and a wellness coach, and tips for growing a health and wellness business. Tune in to that for some good marketing insights.

Saul Marquez:
On Tuesday, we had the SONSIEL podcast hosted by the amazing Hiyam Nadel. She welcomed Danika Meyer, she’s a nursing professional and product owner at Cook Children’s Health Care System. And Joshua Littlejohn, he’s the product manager of nurse experience at IntelyCare. In this episode, they talked about their journeys transitioning toward non-traditional, non-bedside roles in nursing that still make an impact when delivering patient care and what their current roles consist of now that they’re no longer at the bedside. With so many nurses and physicians getting burned out, it’s important that they realize that there’s opportunities outside of the bedside, and in this episode, they cover some really good ideas. So if you’re a clinician, a nurse in particular, or a physician looking for something else besides the bedside, this one might provide some good inspiration for you. But of course, I do want to say a big thanks to all of our caregivers. We’ve gone through so much through COVID-19, now that we’re on the tail end of it, it seems like we’ve forgotten that you work so hard. But I want to tell you that we haven’t forgotten. We know that you work your butts off and we want to say thank you, because every single day that you show up to work makes a huge difference for our communities and everybody that really needs the care that you deliver. So a big thank you to you and a big thanks to Hiyam Nadel and the SONSIEL podcast for the work that they’re doing to keep nurses inspired.

Saul Marquez:
We have had a crossover on Wednesday, the Future of Global Informatics had TJ Southern interviewing the director of the Center for Innovations and Care Delivery at Mass Gen, and of course, you guys know that’s SONSIEL’s podcast host Hiyam Nadel. She talked about why nurses should think of themselves as innovators and explain how the role of Nurse Informaticist plays a bridge between technology and innovation. Check out the show notes of that podcast to find out more about Nurse Informaticists and what you could be doing to leverage them in your health system or in your company.

Saul Marquez:
On Thursday, we had an episode of the LabOps podcast where Dr. Samantha Black interviewed Karen Correa, vice president and head of global clinical operations at Takeda. She talked about what it’s like to oversee global clinical operations and trials across multiple therapeutic areas. She also discussed the development of decentralized clinical trials to increase diversity, mitigate risk, and cross-pollinate with other companies and industries. This LabOps, Laboratory Operations, space is ever-growing. If you want to learn more about that, make sure you check out the show notes that LabOps sponsored by Elemental Machines, they are doing just incredible work in this laboratory operation space, fast-tracking drugs from the bench to our cabinets.

Saul Marquez:
On our main channel, I had the privilege of having the outstanding Mariya Filipova. She’s the CIO at CareQuest Innovation Partners, on the podcast. She talks about supporting innovative, integrative, equitable, and accessible care solutions that bridge the gap between dental and medical care effectively. Since oral health impacts our general health overall. You know, I mean, we don’t think about this stuff. A couple of years ago, we’re like, oh my god, you know, mental health is totally integrated to physical health, wow, huge discovery! And now it’s like I feel the same way about dental health, where Mariya shares some really cool insights, but like dental health is so tied to physical health. She discusses things like there are many established clinical linkages between our oral health and our overall health in some of the most costly, pervasive chronic diseases. Currently, only 1% or 1.2% of investments go to dental solutions overall. Hmm. If you are an innovator, an investor, looking for a place to make a difference, check out dental, on this podcast you’re going to learn more.

Saul Marquez:
Well, we had an incredible week on the Outcomes Rocket Network. Thank you all so much for continuing to tune in. Be sure to tune in every single week because we have a new podcast show coming in hot next week. We’re super excited about it, excited to showcase that one for you, and of course to continue providing you insights that will make a difference for you, your business, your organization, your teams. Keep tuning in and stay tuned for more episodes. Thank you. And again, provide us feedback at Thank you, and we’ll talk to you soon.

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