
Saul Marquez, Host at Outcomes Rocket Podcast

Back in Control

Monday September 21st 2020

Back in Control


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), nearly 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, and approximately 19.6 million US adults had high-impact chronic pain. 


Chronic pain is defined by the Cleveland Clinic as pain that is ongoing and usually lasts longer than six months. This pain can continue even when the injury has healed or the illness has gone away. 


In some cases, people suffer from it though there was no past injury or body damage. People with chronic pain feel significant stress on their bodies. 


Reduced mobility, decreased energy level, and appetite changes are just a few of the many observable physical effects of chronic pain. 


Emotionally, it causes depression, anger, anxiety, fear — emotions that may and can limit an individual’s ability to provide for himself and enjoy daily activities. 


Chronic pain is one of the reasons people seek medical care, depend on opioids, live a reduced quality of life, and experience anxiety and depression. 


Chronic Back Pain 


One of the most common chronic pain American adults suffer from is back pain. 


The American Chiropractic Association reported that 50% of all working Americans suffer from back pain symptoms each year, and that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at one point in their lives. 


Back pain also accounts for more than 264 million lost workdays in one year and is the third most common reason for doctor’s visits, behind skin disorders and osteoarthritis/joint disorders. 


The prevalence of back pain among Americans costs at least $50 billion in health care every year, and if you add the lost wages and decreased productivity, the figure easily rises to $100 billion. 


There are many causes of back pain. It can range from sports injuries to accidents to a simple movement. Poor posture, weight, and arthritis can also cause back pain. 


Common treatments for back pain include hot or cold compress, over-the-counter pain reliever, prescription medications, and exercise. 


If the common treatments don’t work, people opt for back surgery to eliminate back pain. 


Surgery for Back Pain


In the U.S., 1.62 million instrumented spinal fusions are done every year. 


In the desire to eliminate back pain, many people opt for back surgery. 


But is surgery always the answer?


Most surgeons would say no. They recommend that patients first undergo nonsurgical treatment for at least six to twelve weeks, and if the pain did not decrease and there’s no improvement, then the patient can opt for back surgery. 


Finding the solution to treat back pain is understandably frustrating, but before resorting to an invasive procedure, open yourself to other alternatives you haven’t explored. 


The journey to freedom from chronic pain


Is it possible to be free from chronic pain? After years of constant suffering, is it possible to live like we’ve never experienced chronic pain at all. 


Dr. David Hanscom, author of the book “Do You Really Need Spine Surgery? Take Control with a Surgeon’s Advice” said you can. 


Dr. Hanscom was an orthopedic complex spinal deformity surgeon for over 30 years. In 2018, he quit his practice to focus on helping and teaching people to overcome chronic pain. 


In our podcast interview, he explained that when he was a surgeon, he did surgery after surgery because he thought that was the best way he can help people cope with their back pain. 


“I felt obligated to do it because people are desperate. There’s no other answer. I viewed myself as the end of the line,” Dr. Hanscom said. 


When he himself developed chronic pain, his perspective changed. He started a self-directed process and called it “The Doc Project: Direct Your Own Care” and wrote a book entitled “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” to explain how he conquered his debilitating chronic pain. 


Using well-documented treatments that are largely ignored by today’s medical establishments, Dr. Hancock created a journey that helps chronic pain sufferers break free from the stronghold of pain and gain control of their lives. 


Know your options


According to Dr. Hanscom, many people don’t understand that having an operation is the last option. He explained that as people age, pain is part of the process. If you have degenerative disease, pain is also normal. 


But because patients are not well-informed, they spend more money in the hope of finding a cure, yet the results don’t show any improvement. 


Dr. Hanscom offers the insight that there is a way to be pain-free, and it costs far less than back surgery. 


His book “The Doc Project: Direct Your Own Care” lays out well-documented treatments that can calm your nervous system and minimize or eliminate pain. It presents a roadmap that has effectively helped many chronic sufferers now live pain-free lives. 


Say goodbye to chronic pain without going through surgery


Chronic pain affects everyone. If not you, then perhaps you know a family member or a friend who is suffering from it.


Don’t let the debilitating pain be the major controller of your life. Take control of your life and live the quality of life you dream of. 


Visit Dr. Hanscom’s website, learn of his innovative technique, find out the root cause of your pain, and work from that point to get the resolution you need so your body can heal.


Listen to my full interview with Dr. Hanscom and to hear his insights on healthcare costs, overuse of medications, and more:


Written By

Saul Marquez

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