A Quantum Thinking Business Strategy

Leon Eisen, senator at the Grand Assembly of the World’s Business Angels Investment Forum

A Quantum Thinking Business Strategy

You can decide what to do in a year and create your future reality starting today.

In this episode, Saul Marquez interviews Leon Eisen, inventor, entrepreneur, and senator at the Grand Assembly of the World’s Business Angels Investment Forum. Leon developed a quantum backward-thinking business strategy that enables leaders to create their business reality on demand with 100% predictive results. Leon has had a fruitful career, including the invention of the world’s first pulse oximetry for the wrist, and is now focused on mentoring and sharing his passion and experience. He explains how, for quantum backward-thinking, you design a business plan from the future back to the present, identifying opportunities around consciousness and leaving room for problem-solving.

Tune in to this episode to learn how Leon Eisen uses quantum mechanics tools and applies them in business to build the future today!

A Quantum Thinking Business Strategy

About Leon Eisen:

Leon Eisen, Ph.D. is an inventor, serial entrepreneur, CEO and Chairman, Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum (an affiliated partner of the G20 and a leading global angel investment organization), strategic adviser, and speaker with 20+ years of strong technology, business, and leadership experience. Leon is an affiliated member of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK), a Member of the Forbes Business Counsel, and an official mentor at the Israeli Export Institute. 


Dr. Eisen holds a Ph.D. in physics from the Weisman Institute of Science and he studied business and entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School. He invented and successfully commercialized the world’s first FDA-cleared wrist pulse oximetry monitor and has a long list of successfully delivered products, more than 30 patents worldwide, and more than 20 scientific publications. 


Combining his background in quantum physics with hands-on entrepreneurial experience and real-world business sense, Dr. Eisen developed a QUANTUM BACKWARD THINKING business strategy that enables founders to create their own business REALITY on demand with 100% predictive results. He is a mentor at GSD Venture Studios, Gener8tor, and other accelerators, where his online masterclasses attract a big audience.


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Outcomes Rocket Podcast_Leon Eisen: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Saul Marquez:
Hey everybody! Welcome back to the podcast! Such a pleasure to have you here and tuning in with us. I have the amazing Dr. Leon Eisen with us again. He joined us about five years ago, but I think it’s worth a re-introduction before we start. He’s an inventor, serial entrepreneur, CEO, and chairman, senator at the Grand Assembly of the World’s Business Angel Investment Forum. He’s a strategic advisor and a speaker and just an incredible leader in health care. He’s an affiliated member of the Royal Society of Medicine in the UK, a member of the Forbes Business Council, and an official mentor at the Israeli Export Institute. Dr. Eisen holds a Ph.D. in physics from the Weisman Institute of Science, and he studied business and entrepreneurship at Harvard Business School. He invented and successfully commercialized the world’s first FDA-cleared wrist pulse oximetry monitor and has a long list of successfully delivered products and more than 30 patents worldwide and more than 20 scientific publications. And now, combining his background in quantum physics with hands-on entrepreneurial experience in real-world business sense, Dr. Eisen developed a quantum backward-thinking business strategy that enables founders like yourselves listening and also organization leaders to create their own business reality on demand with 100% predictive results. Now, who does not want that? He’s a mentor at GSD Venture Studio’s Generator and other accelerators where his online masterclasses attract a big audience. And today we’re going to be covering a lot of the info that he covers on those master classes to give you a sneak peek. So Leon, welcome to the podcast again.

Leon Eisen:
Thank you, Saul, it’s a great pleasure to be back to your podcast and I appreciate the invitation. Thank you very much.

Saul Marquez:
Absolutely, so, you know, last time we got together, Leon, we talked about the work that you’re doing with your MedDevice company, and this time around, we’re going to take a spin with the work that you’re doing on the mentorship side. And so talk to us a little bit about that and why you decided to start doing more of that type of work.

Leon Eisen:
Yeah, it’s very interesting. Last time we just got FDA clearance for our world’s first FDA cleared, FDA cleared world’s first pulse oximetry at wrist, and today, only three companies have FDA clearance on such a device. And I was totally involved in technology, it was my invention. I was CEO on the company, I had to commercialize. So I spend a lot of time and I love, amazing experience I have through my tenure, like founder and CEO of the startup. And I understood that it’s time to share. So 12 years like a CEO or startup, and I started from idea and brought startup from idea, several investments around, we raised about 10 million dollar, and finally got the product to the market and grow. And I left my position like CEO, I would say step up and I became executive chairman of the … That really free me for some different but very, very related, interesting work, I’m passionate about it. So now I have some time to share my passion, to share my experience with like young entrepreneur, not only young entrepreneur and some experienced entrepreneur as well. So I start to help young entrepreneurs with some, initially with some curators, and then people start to come to me for advice. I did it for free, totally free. And Israeli Expert Institute invited me like official mentor for their companies and they start to send me some companies while looking, which are looking for some help in commercialization, globalization, building some business, some entry, entering into the United States, and how to make business there. So this is what I started to do, and I have quantum physics background. Actually, I was involved during my postdoctoral research in some technology that enable quantum computing, and I understood that there is something quantum physics, quantum world that we cannot touch, but it exists. And if we think correctly, we can create our 3D world out of quantum world because our 3D world is just projection of the quantum world. And I started to develop some strategy business, strategy around it, and it works. And today, as you said, I do some webinars, I do some master classes, and it helps entrepreneurs not only to visualize their future and their reality, actually to build their reality, it’s called quantum backward thinking. We can talk about it a lot and I think your audience will be very interested in this, but currently, I just touch this point a little bit.

Saul Marquez:
Oh man, no, I think it’s fascinating, right? This concept of quantum backward thinking. So talk to me about it. What exactly are the steps and how does it all work?

Leon Eisen:
You know, how Waze does work?

Saul Marquez:
Like, like the app or?

Leon Eisen:
Yeah. Application. Waze Navigator. Yeah.

Saul Marquez:

Leon Eisen:
Nobody knows, I also don’t know, but I guess that they start from the point B, from your destination, and then they calculate your trip backward, and then there is something, traffic jam, any back … They have some benchmark to compare the new path with this benchmark. This is exactly what underlines or is fundamental stuff for my idea that if you know what happens or you build your experience in three years, in five years, in one year, and you can calculate your path, your road back through some nodes, for some, you can just decide about the …. You know exactly what to do at each stage in order to make another stage for a company. But most interesting, that our brain doesn’t recognize some experience, which you really experienced, or you visualized or talk about it or build it. So finally, when startup and entrepreneur goal, using my technique, goals to investor, he experienced his success already, he is abandoned. He has everything already, and he talked to investor, like about his wedding, same level of experience, same level of passion, and this makes amazing difference for my mentees.

Saul Marquez:

Leon Eisen:
And so very simple example. One second, very simple example, when you, when you go in to buy ticket to the cinema for tomorrow, for today, you are all for only one ticket, one seat is, is available, right? Everybody just took everything. So somebody play you, you don’t have freedom, you don’t have free will to decide about what you’re going to do. But if you buy a ticket in a year, everything is empty, you decide you have the freedom to decide. Same with my strategy, concept. You can decide by yourself what you’re going to do in a year, and this way you create reality for today, you bring reality, your future reality for today, and it becomes the real for you.

Saul Marquez:
Now, I love that, I love that. And, you know, it’s this concept of think and therefore I am, sort of like the Descartes approach. And so as you build on some of these concepts and apply them more into business, how does this quantum thinking, how is it different than other business advice?

Leon Eisen:
The difference is that you create reality already, and not only create reality, not only visualize, like many entrepreneurs and businessmen do, they do meditation and they visualize. And what’s interesting that in my approach you just write down like business plan, but business plan from the future back, back from the future. I build so-called coder that includes consciousness. Consciousness is the main part of all this quantum reality. So your consciousness and then you build everything around this consciousness, you build opportunities, the opportunity, you know, you don’t, you don’t have to, you don’t need money, but you have opportunities, it’s a 90% of success, if you identify opportunities, or opportunity context. Then you can talk about deals that is all about resources and partnership that you can find, and partnership is some kind of resource as well. Then you talk about some quadrant which is talking about product. I call it effect. It’s the product, it’s all about product development. And the most important quadrant for startup is right people, and this is most important because from my experience working with startups and working with my startup, this is where people fail and management fail a lot. This is, I don’t know, 80% of failure happened from hiring wrong people. So you know, exactly, you should know exactly at which time and for which task you have to hire people and what kind of people. If you want sales, definitely you don’t want to hire some musician during his childhood because you’re looking for, I know you’re looking for salsa. You are looking for forward who could evaluate and optimize positioning of your company, sales positioning, market positioning and go forward and … So it depends and this is what’s important. So the main differentiating, differentiation, that I use quantum mechanics tools, and apply these tools to the business and build future today.

Saul Marquez:
Love it, no, that’s great. Thank you for that. I appreciate the differences there. And so let’s talk about setbacks, you know when you’re in business, you deal with setbacks and we all have dealt with them in one way or another. Talk to us about one of the biggest ones you’ve learned from in your career and how this whole model fits around it, and how do you deal with setbacks within this framework.

Leon Eisen:
Well, let’s separate. You’re talking about setbacks or talking about black swans or what exactly?

Saul Marquez:
More so when the stuff hits the fan and it’s not working out.

Leon Eisen:
Okay, because usually, it’s not working out because there is something that we didn’t account. It could be human factor, it could be mathematics, it could be everything technological factor. So usually, yes, it’s in startup every day, we meet such problems and such challenges. But actually, this is exactly what backwards thinking allows to do. When you think backward, you build all these steps backward. And if you feel that you cannot build some, another step, there is some problem. You cannot understand what I have to do at this stage in order to get to another stage. You cannot understand this. This is where you have the problem. So using this technique, you can, and this is what I am doing. I, a priori, understand where I have lack of understanding and lack of something, or I don’t have resources or didn’t calculate resources at this stage specifically. So when you go over high resolution from the future back, you understand exactly where you have the pitfall, where you have the critical path, so you really reduce the incidence of such things. But if it happens, in any case, black swan comes. If it happens, it’s you know, it’s very difficult to say it’s, this is what differentiates entrepreneur from some regular account people so you can understand immediately what you have to do, you can find resources how to solve this problem and if you do it wrong, you should do it again. Until you will do it right. You remember Edison? Edison did 1000 efforts to build the lamp.

Saul Marquez:
Yeah, yeah, no, that’s great, Leon, thank you for that. And you know, those black swans seem to be everywhere, especially in healthcare. You know, like COVID, nobody expected that, you know, and overcoming those things, having a good framework for thinking about how to deal with them, to keep moving forward is key. So, so Leon, you know, with the tools and trainings that you’re doing now, where can people access those, right? If this conversation seems interesting to people, where can they go learn more about the work that you’re doing and the frameworks you’re teaching?

Leon Eisen:
Currently, I just invite people to send me a message and connection using LinkedIn and they can find just YouTube, you can find my webinars and learn from there, but LinkedIn is the best way to connect to me.

Saul Marquez:
Excellent, and so, folks, we’ll leave a link to Dr. Eisen’s LinkedIn inside of our show notes. So make sure if something today resonated with you, you connect with him to learn more about this quantum thinking approach. And then there’s also more to come, right? And there’s a book, there’s a lot of interesting things coming along with what you’re doing, tell us about that.

Leon Eisen:
Yeah, recently I was appointed like Senator, Senator to World Business Angel Investment Forum. It is some incredible organization, incredible initiative that enable it, by the way, this is for this forum is associated with the G20 and it helps entrepreneurs and it helps to share your knowledge about entrepreneurship startups all over the world. And every year there is a specific assembly and forum, and where a lot of high-rank people come and learn from entrepreneurs and share their experience. So it’s amazing, amazing opportunity for people to share, to learn, to make connections, and to make high-rank, high-level connections. Also recently I was accepted as a, in a board called Forbes Business Council. Also, it’s amazing opportunity to learn from people, and to share your experience, and to have access to the world-class, world-level business people minds. So it’s amazing an opportunity for any thought leader today.

Saul Marquez:
Yeah, no, I would say so, congrats on that, and congrats on all of the different efforts that you’re putting forth to help the new generation of entrepreneurs have successful businesses that add a lot of value to the healthcare economy. Leon, any closing thoughts here before we part?

Leon Eisen:
Yeah, I think, first of all, when people approach me with your LinkedIn, just please write that you heard about me from this interview, and I just want to wish all entrepreneurs to do everything that is possible to raise the money, to learn how to do it, to learn how to do business, and it’s very important from the beginning to find a mentor because, you know, I met a lot of entrepreneurs who failed because they didn’t know where to learn and they didn’t want to learn. They thought, they know everything, nobody knows everything. And our world is, as you said, is full of black swans. That’s why to have professional mentor, I think it’s huge, it’s very important for success of any business.

Saul Marquez:
Love it, great closing thought there, Dr. Eisen, and folks, we’ll leave links to Dr. Eisen’s YouTube educational videos, his LinkedIn profile. If you don’t have a mentor, consider yourself having a great opportunity here to connect with Leon for a mentor opportunity. Leon, thank you so much for coming back on and sharing what you’re up to. Really appreciate it.

Leon Eisen:
Thank you, Saul, great to meet you. Thank you.

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Things You’ll Learn:

  • We can create our 3D world out of the quantum world because our 3D world is a projection of the quantum world.
  • Our brain doesn’t recognize an experience until we have visualized or talked about it to build it in our consciousness.
  • Consciousness is the central part of quantum reality.
  • 80% of failure in startup management happens from hiring the wrong people.
  • Having a good framework for thinking about how to deal with black swans in your business is critical to keep moving forward.
  • The World Business Angels Investment Forum is associated with the G20 and helps entrepreneurs share their knowledge worldwide.
  • Mentorship is important, a lot of entrepreneurs fail because they don’t know where to learn.


  • Connect with and follow Leon Eisen on LinkedIn.
  • Follow Oxitone Medical on LinkedIn.
  • Follow the World Business Angels Investment Forum on LinkedIn.
  • Explore the Oxitone Medical Website!
  • Discover the World Business Angels Investment Forum Website!
  • Tune in to this webinar by Leon Eisen on Backward Thinking!