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Understanding People's Needs: Shaping Healthcare Policies with Natalie Davis, the CEO and co-founder of United States of Care

January 29, 2024

Authentic patient voices are the key to transformative health solutions, be it in tech, AI, or policy.

In this episode, Natalie Davis, the CEO and co-founder of United States of Care, talks about how her organization is driving impactful change by listening to the needs and experiences of individuals across the country. She shares her inspiring journey into healthcare and how she found her purpose in making people's lives better through understanding the interaction between society and individual well-being. Natalie discusses the work of the United States of Care and how they are driving change through a human-centered approach to policy reform. She also discusses the organization's human-centered approach to policy design and dives into its work on value-based care, highlighting the importance of language and patient engagement in driving meaningful change. 

Listen to this episode to learn more about the benefits of a human-centered approach to healthcare policy, rooted in listening to individuals' diverse needs and experiences.


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Understanding People's Needs: Shaping Healthcare Policies with Natalie Davis, the CEO and co-founder of United States of Care

Authentic patient voices are the key to transformative health solutions, be it in tech, AI, or policy. In this episode, Natalie Davis, the CEO and co-founder of United States of Care, talks about how her organization is driving impactful change by listening to the needs and experiences of individuals across the country. She shares her inspiring journey into healthcare and how she found her purpose in making people's lives better through understanding the interaction between society and individual well-being. Natalie discusses the work of the United States of Care and how they are driving change through a human-centered approach to policy reform. She also discusses the organization's human-centered approach to policy design and dives into its work on value-based care, highlighting the importance of language and patient engagement in driving meaningful change.  Listen to this episode to learn more about the benefits of a human-centered approach to healthcare policy, rooted in listening to individuals' diverse needs and experiences. Resources:  Connect with and follow Natalie Davis on LinkedIn.  Learn more about the United States of Care on their LinkedIn and website. Check out the Value-Based Care White Paper. Subscribe to the United States of Care Newsletter. Learn more about the United Solutions for Care Agenda.