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Transforming Diagnostics: AI, Retinal Imaging, and the Future of Healthcare with Vicky Demas, CEO of identifeye HEALTH

January 8, 2025

Imagine a future where a simple photo of your eye can detect chronic diseases like diabetes and heart conditions! 

In this episode, Vicky Demas, CEO of identifeye HEALTH, shares how her company is using AI and automation to revolutionize diagnostic imaging. Discover how identifeye HEALTH is tackling workflow inefficiencies, improving access to care, and enabling early detection of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular conditions. 

Tune in to explore the future of personalized medicine and patient-centered healthcare!

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Transforming Diagnostics: AI, Retinal Imaging, and the Future of Healthcare with Vicky Demas, CEO of identifeye HEALTH

Imagine a future where a simple photo of your eye can detect chronic diseases like diabetes and heart conditions!  In this episode, Vicky Demas, CEO of identifeye HEALTH, shares how her company is using AI and automation to revolutionize diagnostic imaging. Discover how identifeye HEALTH is tackling workflow inefficiencies, improving access to care, and enabling early detection of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular conditions.  Tune in to explore the future of personalized medicine and patient-centered healthcare!