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Crafting Policies for Inclusive Oral Healthcare with Catherine Hayes, the Chair of the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology at Harvard

January 25, 2024

How does the current gap in dental care for young children specifically impact their long-term health outcomes?

In this episode, Catherine Hayes, the Chair of the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology at Harvard, explores the critical and often overlooked issue of dental care accessibility for young children. Catherine sheds light on the necessity of early preventive dental care to beat back the tide of preventable conditions like dental caries that, if neglected, lead to costly treatments. 

Stay tuned in the conversation that’s redefining the dental industry, focusing not just on treatment but preventive education and community-centric care models.


  • Connect with and follow Catherine Hayes on LinkedIn.
  • Follow the Harvard School of Dental Medicine on LinkedIn.
  • Visit the Harvard School of Dental Medicine’s Website.

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Crafting Policies for Inclusive Oral Healthcare with Catherine Hayes, the Chair of the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology at Harvard

How does the current gap in dental care for young children specifically impact their long-term health outcomes? In this episode, Catherine Hayes, the Chair of the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology at Harvard, explores the critical and often overlooked issue of dental care accessibility for young children. Catherine sheds light on the necessity of early preventive dental care to beat back the tide of preventable conditions like dental caries that, if neglected, lead to costly treatments.  Stay tuned in the conversation that’s redefining the dental industry, focusing not just on treatment but preventive education and community-centric care models. Resources: Connect with and follow Catherine Hayes on LinkedIn. Follow the Harvard School of Dental Medicine on LinkedIn. Visit the Harvard School of Dental Medicine’s Website.