Leveraging AI Tools for Healthcare Operations

Morgann Carlon and Hashim Simjee

Leveraging AI Tools for Healthcare Operations

Operations are crucial to health outcomes, and AI can upgrade them.


In this episode, Deloitte’s Oracle Healthcare Lead, Hashim Simjee, and Morgann Carlon, Senior Manager of Healthcare AI, discuss healthcare operations and their potential improvement using AI. They break down the importance of leveraging data and AI-driven insights to improve patient outcomes, improve clinical workflows, and reduce manual work. They highlight the use of advanced computing to elevate models and enhance their efficiency within the healthcare industry and face challenges faster and better. Hashim and Morgann believe data is precious, so they advise listeners to develop a clear data strategy for their business and start small when implementing AI solutions.


Tune in and learn more about the power and potential of data and AI in healthcare operations!

Leveraging AI Tools for Healthcare Operations

About Morgann Carlon:

Morgann is a healthcare tech and AI strategist, Senior Manager of Healthcare AI at Deloitte Consulting. Morgann is a recognized thought leader adept at strategizing, incubating, and operationalizing analytics, information management, and artificial intelligence solutions for complex environments. Morgann is committed to fueling change by building and empowering elite teams and creating a collaborative, problem-solving environment that ensures partnership between business and IT. She brings considerable technical, functional, and product expertise to deliver effective technology and information management strategies and implement solutions that build business value and drive performance.

About Hashim Simjee:

Hashim Simjee is the Global Oracle healthcare leader, and principal at Deloitte Consulting LLP. He got his Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of California, Berkeley.


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Saul Marquez:
Hey everybody, and welcome back to another episode of the Outcomes Rocket Special Edition, Nickel Insights. That’s five minutes, insights with the most amazing people in healthcare today. I’m with Hashim Simjee and Morgann Carlon. How are you, Morgann?

Morgann Carlon:
Great, how are you, Saul?

Saul Marquez:
I’m doing fantastic. We’re covering some of the biggest problems in healthcare, which is operations. How are people making it? There’s so much change. Hashim, why don’t you start off by telling us a little bit about what you do and the thoughts that you have around the topic?

Hashim Simjee:
Sure, thanks for having us. I’m responsible for our global Oracle health business, and what we really focus on is operational improvement, clinical improvement, as well as broad-scale implementations in the healthcare space. So we primarily focus in payer-provider and look at how we can work with our partners and our ecosystem alliances to really help drive better outcomes for consumers, patients, and our physician partners.

Morgann Carlon:
I focus primarily on the AI and the insight-driven outcomes that we can use using the data. So how can we look at clinical data? How can we look at operational data? How do we combine all of that to really elevate the insights that our clinicians are using to drive to those patient outcomes?

Saul Marquez:
Fantastic, thanks for sharing that. And so, for the folks listening and watching at home, what would you say is one of the biggest things that you’re seeing as a potential to unlock opportunity for health systems and payers out there?

Hashim Simjee:
What I’d really say is using the data to drive more decisions and to automate those decisions because there’s so much manual work that happens that can be freed up. You can free up a physician’s time by helping to automate half the tasks in their inbox. You can help a clinical practitioner like a nurse not have to do routine, mundane counting or reporting work by using AI or some other tools that are already available and that have to just be more effectively deployed.

Saul Marquez:
Thank you, Hashim. On the AI front, talk to us about that because there’s a lot of hype, but where’s the real stuff with AI?

Morgann Carlon:
Well, AI is, has been hyped for a long time, but I think that there’s a lot of real use cases that are out there. There’s a lot of low-hanging fruit, so to speak, but there’s a lot that can be done, right? Hash was talking a lot about some of the clinical workflow, talking about how can we automate some of the problems that our clinicians are facing. Those are things that are real today, things like sepsis prediction, that’s real today. But some of the new exciting AI that’s been kind of talked about in the news recently, that ability for us to do supercomputing, we can take our models that we’ve been doing sepsis prediction on for the last ten years, and we can elevate those. So we can use some of those newer technologies, some of the newer techniques, and some of the advanced computing power to truly elevate and change the way that our models are working, and we can do it more efficiently, more effectively, and quicker. So with all of that, we’re going to be improving our patient outcomes, we’re going to be reducing the burnout of our clinicians quicker, faster, more effectively, and easier.

Saul Marquez:
That’s fantastic. Thank you for that. And really, what I hear you and Hashim saying in between the lines is, there is hope for the future, and there’s an opportunity to still prosper and profit while taking care of patients. And so, what closing thoughts would you guys leave us with here on these five minutes that we have together?

Morgann Carlon:
You know, I think my closing thought is data is so rich, it’s truly the oil of this generation. And so I think not being afraid of figuring out what your true strategy is around that data, and truly starting to get into some of the more challenging, historically challenging areas within AI, I think everybody is getting into it, don’t buy into the hype, look at what’s reality and develop a really good strategy around it, and that’s how we’re going to be successful to improve our margins.

Saul Marquez:
Thank you for that. Hashim?

Hashim Simjee:
Starting small, thinking about it in bite-sized chunks. You don’t have to bite the whole thing off, right? You can do smaller pieces. You can start with small supply chain components, you can start with labor, you can start with things that you can really look at. Where are you hurting, where are you seeing issues? If it’s freeing up productivity time, if it’s looking at making sure that your physicians are getting more time with the patient, there are things that can be done quickly and effectively. You just have to start thinking about how to think about them and how to start piloting.

Saul Marquez:
Fantastic. Start small, get focused. There’s opportunity to make AI and technology work for you. Thank you both so much for the opportunity today. Saul Marquez with the Outcomes Rocket signing off.

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Things You’ll Learn:

  • Data and AI can be combined to elevate clinicians’ insights to drive patient outcomes.
  • Open-access AI can be effectively deployed to free up people from manual work.
  • Newer technologies and supercomputing are exciting ways to approach clinicians’ challenges.
  • Data is the oil of the current generation.
  • AI tools can help physicians get more time with patients and reduce their manual work and burnout.


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