Water Werzoa shares what HealthTunes is doing to help with the COVID-19 Epidemic
Addison Hoover shares how we can keep the patient experience at the center of care during this epidemic.
Prashant Srivastava CEO of Evive shares how they are helping connect people that need to get tested for coronavirus easily
Amy Baxter, MD CEO of PainCare Labs shares their COVID initiative to provide ways for people to cope with pain without opioids. With elective procedures like orthopedic knee, hip, and spine surgeries postponed due to the epidemic and the lack of access to massages or alternative pain relief methods, there’s a big need for options.
Melissa Carr, the Vice President and General Manager of Home Services at CareCentrix, discusses CareCentrix’s recent announcement that its telehealth services will be available for free to its network of 8,000 home health locations.
Curt Bashford, CEO of General Devices, and his team are putting together innovative resources like telemedicine that enables safe care for patients.
Joseph Ebberwein, Chief Revenue Officer of Corstrata shares how they’re helping amidst the COVID-19 epidemic. They provide virtual access to certified wound experts using a telehealth platform.
Jon Bloom, CEO of Podimetrics discusses how they can help free up ICU beds by caring for patients suffering from extremity amputation risk outside of the hospital.
David Cherne, VP at Mediasite share how they’re helping companies and individuals like you use video to maximize customer, patient, and stakeholder engagement during a time with stay in place orders.
Christine Muldoon, VP at WebMD Health Services, shares the resources they’ve put together for employers and their own employees to help with wellness during the COVID epidemic. From ideas about working in place to how to stay healthy, they’re great resources to check out for anyone looking for ideas to stay well and happy during these times.
Jeniffer Fried, CEO of ExplORer Surgical discusses what they’re doing to enable medical device companies to continue supporting operating room and procedural activity during a COVID-19 epidemic and after.